“Take a stand against neglect and abuse in long term care – and ROAR for the dignity and well-being for our elders and our most vulnerable. R.O.A.R.!”
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Although this is my mother’s story… it’s really all of ours.
My mother is just one of millions who has suffered dearly as a result of Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse. Her story is the thread that weaves in all too similar accounts from caregivers, as well as hard hitting testimonials from Doctors, Nurses, CNA’s, Specialists, Politicians and Elder Care Experts to help pull back the curtain on the profit over people corporatization of nursing homes that has been covertly controlling our long-term healthcare system for decades.
Susie Singer Carter. Writer/Director/Producer
“No Country for Old People is an amazing sorely-needed long-awaited scorching documentary that should set the Long-Term Care Community, all Family Caregiver Policy Makers, and the country ablaze!”
Sheila Mankind Executive Director Founder of Legacy Film Festival
Unveiling the Full Story
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